

#1 - IS E.T. OUT THERE? December 17, 2021 #1 - HIDDEN LOCATIONS "Extraterrestrials are probably out there in the cosmos, in a capacity that is more elusive... than the '8.7 million' species of plants and animals... on Earth..." - Michael Izuchukwu “Interesting article... I have often wondered how living on a ‘new planet’ would compare... to when Christopher Columbus and his crew, were living on a new continent... in 1492...” - Michael Izuchukwu People Are Not Keen On Elon Musk's Plan For Workers On Mars | IFLScience “Humans are the most advanced species of creatures on Earth, classifying themselves as the extraterrestrial race of ‘Homo Sapiens’... in the eyes of extraterrestrials in the cosmos, to them... we are ‘extraterrestrials’... Such is just a matter of perspective, but there must be a reason why contrasting species on Earth... do not intermingle.. for the most part...” - Michael Izuchukwu Biodiversity | National Geographic Society #2 - CRO