December 17, 2021


"Extraterrestrials are probably out there in the cosmos, in a capacity that is more elusive... than the '8.7 million' species of plants and animals... on Earth..." - Michael Izuchukwu

“Interesting article... I have often wondered how living on a ‘new planet’ would compare... to when Christopher Columbus and his crew, were living on a new continent... in 1492...” - Michael Izuchukwu

People Are Not Keen On Elon Musk's Plan For Workers On Mars | IFLScience

“Humans are the most advanced species of creatures on Earth, classifying themselves as the extraterrestrial race of ‘Homo Sapiens’... in the eyes of extraterrestrials in the cosmos, to them... we are ‘extraterrestrials’... Such is just a matter of perspective, but there must be a reason why contrasting species on Earth... do not intermingle.. for the most part...” - Michael Izuchukwu

Biodiversity | National Geographic Society


“In order to cross the ocean, you must have the courage... to lose sight, of the shore...” - Christopher Columbus

“600 years ago or so, there were dudes in Europe who said there was no one on the other side of the ocean (the Atlantic)... and sure enough, there was... It seems ignorant, to rule out the prospect... that there are other ‘people’ out there, in the cosmos...” - Michael Izuchukwu


"With God, all things are possible... but only if you genuinely believe in Him (Jesus Christ)... There is so much more to reality, than 'life on Earth' as we know such... Such makes one wonder, how much more there is... to understand, regarding the human capacity... for exploration...

Our Milky Way galaxy is 100,000 lightyears across ('diametrically'), which translates to 587,000,000,000,000,000 (587 quadrillion) miles ('approximately')... A vertical ascent, would be the quickest way for humans to leave such... but even then, there are about 1 million lightyears between each galaxy... on average (a distance ten times greater than the diameter, of the Milky Way)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


"In 1977, Voyager 1 (a space probe) was launched into space... not until 2012 (after 35 years) did such reach interstellar space... which is about 122 astronomical units, from Earth. An astronomical unit, is the distance between the sun and the earth (93 million miles)... so the approximate distance between Earth and where Voyager 1 was, in 2012... was 11,346,000,000 (11.346 billion) miles... 

Based off 'the trajectory' of that craft, to reach Proxima Centauri (the closest star, situated at 4.24 lightyears from Earth)... it would take about 80,000 years..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Contact Intro Full HD - YouTube &


5:07 AM (2/3/22): "People always fear what they don't understand, and when they understand what they fear... they fear, the misunderstanding... There is a spectrum upon which human sentience falls, and one may realize that when there are language barriers among technologically advanced countries on Earth... such is a microcosm of that which would be experienced, in the confrontation of Homo Sapiens (the extraterrestrial race/species of human beings)... and a physiologically resemblant species, from elsewhere... in the cosmos..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:28 PM (2/3/22):

“I recently had a vision that if advanced, relatable extraterrestrials… visited our world, from the other side of our galaxy… they may pose a series of questions, such as:

1.      What is your understanding of time?

2.      Who were the people living on your world, by century… for the past 10 millennia…?

3.      Who is your God, or ‘Ultimate Leader’?

Assuming these beings were physiologically resemblant, one wonders how they would think… given the scope of diversity on Earth, among the human species… much less others…” – Michael Izuchukwu


9:02 PM (4/23/22): "A photo of Jupiter, the fifth closest planet to our sun... in our solar system... 'How many planets are there, outside our Milky Way galaxy...?' There likely are multiple solar systems, within such... much less those galaxies, beyond..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

9:09 PM (4/23/22): "Over 5,000 exoplanets ('planets outside our solar system') have been detected, but they are primarily those... within our galaxy... which is 100,000 lightyears across ('diametrically')..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

More than 5,000 worlds exist beyond our solar system. There could be billions more (

9:14 PM (4/23/22): Where are all the aliens? | Stephen Webb - YouTube

9:28 PM (4/23/22): "Nearly all of the exoplanets that have been detected, are within 3,000 lightyears... of Earth. Thus, it's a 'statistical certainty' that our world is not unique, in being populated by lifeforms... among those, in the cosmos..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

District 9 - Official Trailer (HD) - YouTube

11:49 PM (4/23/22): "Jupiter was discovered, 412 years ago... by Galileo Galilei (in the year 1610)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
